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Monday, August 5, 2013

The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole:

“The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole”, is an AMAZING secret legal “loop hole” which can make your Credit Report File or DMV Record SPOTLESS In 15 minutes.AND the process to rebuild and improve credit score is 100% Guaranteed and COMPLETELY FREE!!

“The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole system” has NOTHING to do with CPN’s (Credit Profile/Privacy Numbers) Or TIN’s or EIN’s. Also, you can change your name OR leave it the same! This secret Legal Loophole is completely different from anything else!

It is NOT one of the hundreds of credit repair/rebuild programs that make you fight tooth and nail with the credit bureaus to painstakingly dispute one blemish at a time…that is a process that can take months or even years!

Unlike anyone else, “The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole” shows you the exact step-by-step process of how to improve credit score by creating a new SPOTLESS profile for yourself within the credit bureau or DMV computer system.., This CAN be done and it works Instantly!

Celebrities often use the techniques of “The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole” so they can travel incognito. Wealthy people also use these “top secret” techniques to protect certain assets and businesses from the public eye.

You’ll be blown away by the ease and simplicity of initiating this process to improve credit score. It is LITERALLY as easy as walking into an office in your local area and handing them a special form…AT NO COST, or just clicking your mouse a few times on the right website!

“The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole” is offering YOU this AMAZING secret knowledge of how to bring your financial life back to track in a concise and easy to read eBook so YOU have complete control over your credit and driving…

The Ultimate Credit Report Loophole:

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Simple. Thrifty. Living.: Just Graduated? Don't Make the Same Financial Mistakes I Did

Congratulations, graduates! You’ve finished school and now you get to join the real world with the rest of us. It’s nice here in the real world. You get to make your own decisions. You get to pick your destiny. And, best of all, you get to spend your money any way you want. Just be careful with that freedom; it can come back to bite you in the ass.

When I first graduated and got a job, I admittedly was not very smart with my money. I applied for too many credit cards. I spent money like it was useless paper. I basically got in over my head. But because I’m a nice guy, I don’t want to see the same thing happen to all of you. Since I now run a financial website and know a lot more about how money and credit work, I decided to put together some tips that I wish I knew when I started my first job. Hopefully they help you make better financial decisions than I did.

Set Up a Budget: This is the most important part of starting your first full-time job. You’ll probably be making more money then you’ve made in your life before, and your first instinct is going to be to spend that extra income. That’s what I did. Before you blow all of your first paycheck in one place, set up a budget of what your monthly bills are. You will probably be in a brand new apartment with energy bills, cable bills, water bills and others that you will need to pay each month. You also won’t be living off of dorm food and meal plans anymore, so you’ll need to make a food budget. Also, start putting some money aside for a rainy day; you’ll need it for grown-up, responsible things like getting your car fixed or paying for a down payment on a mortgage. After all of those bills are figured out, then you can use what’s left to go a little wild.

Pay Off Your Debts: Once you have a plan for your finances, it’s time to start taking care of your debts. I’m not talking about paying off your entire student loan balance, but just taking care any credit card debt you may have accumulated during college. I used several credit cards in college to not only pay for my tuition, but also beer for the weekends. When I left school, I was swimming in credit card debt. Instead of working to pay it off, I paid the minimum balance each month to get the lenders off my back. This means that I kept adding on over-limit fees and interest to my balance, and before I knew it, I was completely in debt. If you can get ahead of your debt and pay down your balances to avoid fees and interest, do it.

Get a Credit Card: Part of my problem was that I didn’t know how to properly use a credit card. If you don’t have a credit card yet, it is time to get one and figure out how to use it. Many college students get credit cards and see them as an extra source of income, but that is not how you should properly use a credit card. Think of a credit card as a 30-day loan that you must pay off at the end of each month. This will help you reap the rewards from your credit card (like rewards points or a higher credit score) without getting hit with penalty fees or huge interest rates. If it is your first credit card, it might be a good idea to start with a student credit card that has a low APR and gives you rewards points. If you can’t qualify for a student card, try getting a secured credit card. These cards usually have a low balance and a high sign-up fee (usually equal to your credit limit), but they report to the three credit bureaus and will help you improve your credit score so you can qualify for better credit cards later.

Start a 401K: Depending on what kind of job you get, your employer will probably offer you a 401K plan. Sign up for this as soon as you possibly can. I waited until I was almost 30 before I set up my 401K, and when I crunched the numbers of how much I would save by the time I retired, I realized I was very late starting my savings. Do research on your company’s 401K, and if they have a matching program, you would have to be an idiot not to get involved, since that is free money your company is giving you. Even if your company doesn’t offer a 401K program, start your own IRA and start contributing a part of your paycheck to it every month. Some IRAs even let you contribute pre-tax, which will save you money in the end.

Know Your Credit Score: This is the biggest thing I wish I knew. Credit reports and scores are like the best kept secret until you apply for your first credit card or apartment. I had no idea what a credit score was, but quickly found out that mine was ruined when I got turned down for an apartment. Most people don’t even think of checking their credit score until they are applying for credit cards or loans. But knowing your credit score ahead of time will give you time to improve it before you need to make any major purchases. Everyone is entitled to a free credit report from each of the credit bureaus once a year, so make sure to take advantage of that. If you need to improve your credit score and want to keep tabs on it, you can sign up for a credit report monitoring service to watch the progress of your score. If you need help building your credit score, try these tips.

This might sound like a lot, but following these tips can actually reduce the stress on your life and make you much happier in the future. Trust me, I wish someone had told me this when I first started out in the real world. Happy Graduation!

- Jack Ryder, Simple. Thrifty. Living.


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Simple. Thrifty. Living.: Just Graduated? Don't Make the Same Financial Mistakes I Did

Terri Ludwig: Let's Not Make Things Worse for Young Adults

Even before a student loan rate hike, young adults face a perfect storm of economic crises

Unless lawmakers act, interest rates on new federal student loans will double starting Monday, adding to the already-onerous cost of attending college in the U.S. Letting that happen would be a mistake–for reasons that go far beyond higher education.

Among other things, the rate hike would deepen the economic crisis facing America’s younger generation: a perfect storm of unmanageable debt, high unemployment and skyrocketing housing costs.

Student loan debt has nearly quadrupled over the past decade, mostly on the backs of our young adults. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the share of 25-year-olds with student debt has increased from 25 percent in 2003 to 43 percent last year, while their average loan balance grew by more than 90 percent over the same period.

This mounting debt wouldn’t be much of a concern if incomes were rising at a similar clip, but the opposite has been happening. Average earnings for young college grads have fallen by more than 15 percent since 2000. More than 10 million young adults are either unemployed or underemployed today, as recent graduates are having trouble finding jobs that match their credentials.

The result is a growing class of lower-income, highly indebted grads. Today 40 percent of households with student loans earn less than $37,000 a year, according to the Pew Research Center. And the clear majority of these households are renters, where they face yet another crisis.

America’s renters have seen their housing costs soar in recent years as their average incomes decreased, causing a broad affordability crisis. According to the National Housing Conference, the typical moderate-income renter now spends 55 percent of their pre-tax income on housing and transportation alone, a marked increase from a decade earlier. And if they have student loans, those payments take up another 6 percent of their income, according to analysts at Harvard.

Think about that for a moment. Even if you’re making $37,000 a year–which is actually less than $30,000 after federal, state and local taxes–you’re left with just $220 a week to cover groceries, healthcare, medicine, clothing and other life essentials. And that number shrinks considerably in high-cost markets like New York and Los Angeles, where rents are rising at astronomical rates.

So it shouldn’t be any surprise that mounting debt is altering the spending habits and life choices of younger adults, with profound consequences for the broader economy. Research shows that debt-saddled grads are less likely to go off on their own, instead opting to move back in with their parents or double up with friends or family. Twenty-five-year-olds with student debt are less likely to buy cars than their debt-free counterparts. And indebted 30-year-olds are less likely to purchase their first home, a key buyer demographic for a well-functioning housing market.

Now let’s fast forward to July 1, when the interest rate hike is set to kick in. The typical new borrower will see their costs go up by $1,000 for each year of college over the life of the loan, or about $30 per month on a 10-year loan for four-year degree. To well-off families that’s a minor inconvenience; to others it’s the difference between groceries and medicine, between making rent and losing your home.

America’s young adults face a treacherous road ahead, and it’s clear that student loans are exacerbating the problem. Lawmakers in Washington should be careful not to make matters worse.


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Terri Ludwig: Let's Not Make Things Worse for Young Adults

John Engler: Community Colleges We Need

With interest rates on some student loans set to double, millions of students and families across the nation may be forced to re-consider whether it is worth taking on even more debt to finance a college education. While the data are clear — it is much better to have a college degree than not — it is also true that not all valuable degrees need to put families into serious debt. Many community colleges today prove that value can be had at a reasonable price.

Our nation’s 1,200 community colleges educate 13 million students — including the majority of college freshmen and sophomores. These schools are growing much faster than the four-year college sector. They also serve as a central point of access for the rapidly growing populations of minority students. And according to a recent study by Sallie Mae, two-year colleges are becoming an increasingly popular choice for upper middle-class students too.

We serve together as co-chairs of the biennial Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, which reveals what a great bargain community colleges can be for students and our country. The Aspen Prize process involves an in-depth investigation of the outcomes, contexts, and practices of the nation’s community colleges. After two years of awarding the Aspen Prize, we have learned of innovative approaches that colleges are taking to increase academic rigor, measure and improve students’ learning, support low-income and minority students, build partnerships with K-12 schools and four-year institutions and create strong ties with local industries that rely on well-prepared community college graduates.

For example, Santa Barbara City College, one of the 2013 Aspen Prize co-winners , does not see its mission as simply granting associate’s degrees. Professors there push students, many of whom are minorities and might otherwise face low expectations, to aspire to a bachelor’s degree.

They teach their classes to the standards of California’s four-year state universities, explicitly aligning curricula and extensive support services for students to succeed at institutions like nearby UC Santa Barbara. With success! The college has increased the share of full-time students who transfer to four-year schools to 57 percent — an exceptionally high rate.

At Walla Walla Community College, the other 2013 Aspen Prize co-winner, college leaders continually revamp programs so that students’ education meet the demands of jobs available in the region’s economy. And when the region struggles and there aren’t enough jobs, college leaders help to create them. In the last decade they founded a winemaking program, which helped jumpstart the local tourist economy. The college has become a national leader in programs ranging from wind energy to nursing to tractor maintenance. As a result, new graduates from Walla Walla earn wages that average 80 percent higher than those of other new hires in the region.

In the end, all of this smart and hard work translates into students at Walla Walla and Santa Barbara receiving great value at an affordable price – ranging roughly from $1,400 to $4,000 per year for tuition. For families facing the prospect of doubling interest rates, those prices are pretty appealing.

But price is only part of what matters to students and families. While community colleges have received well deserved praise for providing broad access at an affordable price, institutions themselves achieve widely variable outcomes. If more community colleges are to meet their potential, they need to not only be affordable, but emulate those things that exceptional colleges do to ensure that students complete the credentials required to find good jobs with good wages.

Most of the practices and policies at these highly successful community colleges cost relatively little money. In fact, the Aspen finalist colleges have made great progress even as states have cut funding for higher education. This is an encouraging finding, because it suggests that many of our colleges nationwide can also achieve these successes without waiting for a rebound in state spending that may never come.

We have witnessed and believe in the potential of America’s community colleges to deliver on the dreams that the millions of students will bring with them to campus this fall. But as we face rising college costs, there is more to be done to make sure that their investments pay off in the classroom and in the labor market.


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Bob Hildreth: Whistling Past the Graveyard on Student Debt

People tend to become defensive just before a debt crisis explodes. Those with the most to lose want to postpone the inevitable. Student debt is nearing this critical stage. Despite the claims of colleges and the government, there is plenty to worry about.

Our higher education system is financially dependent on student loans. Examine the table below, which compares student loan tuition payments at various Massachusetts schools. None of these institutions could survive without the money that flows from loans. Private, not-for-profit colleges and universities receive upwards of 40 percent of their tuition revenues when the government wires cash into their accounts — money students must repay. Even worse, public colleges are dependent on government loan payments for more than half of their tuition and fees.

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Bob Hildreth: Whistling Past the Graveyard on Student Debt

Jim T. Miller: Debt Counseling Programs Can Help Seniors with Financial Problems

Dear Savvy Senior:

What resources can you recommend to help seniors with financial problems? I hate to admit it, but I’ve fallen behind on my house payments and have accumulated quite a bit of credit card debt over the past few years. Where can we get help?

– In debt At 70

Dear In debt:

There are actually a number of free and low-cost resources available today that can help seniors who are struggling with credit card and/or mortgage debt. Here’s where you can turn to for help.

Credit Counseling
To help you get a handle on your credit card debt, a good place to start is at a credit-counseling agency. These are non-profit agencies that offer free financial education and advice on how to handle financial problems.

And if your debt is significant, they can set you up in a debt-management plan (DMP) that allows a counselor to negotiate with your creditors to lower your interest rates and eliminate any late fees and other penalties. The agency will then act as a consolidator, grouping your debts together into one payment that you would make, and distributes those funds to your creditors. Most agencies charge a one-time $30 set-up fee and a monthly maintenance fee of around $20 for a DMP.

To locate a credible agency in your area, use the National Foundation for Credit Counseling website at or call 800-388-2227.

Do not use a for-profit debt settlement company that claims to settle all your debt, or cut it in half for a fee without counseling. Most of these companies use deceptive practices and will only leave you more in debt then you already are.

Foreclosure Help
If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments, or if you have already received a letter or phone call about missed payments, you should contact your lender immediately to explain your situation and see if you can work out a payment plan. Be prepared to provide your financial information, such as your monthly income and expenses.

You can also get help from a housing foreclosure avoidance counselor. These are HUD-approved, trained counselors that will work with you, examining your financial situation, and offer guidance on how best to avoid default or foreclosure. They can also represent you in negotiations with your lender if you need them to.

To find a government-approved housing counseling agency in your area, use the National Foundation for Credit Counseling website or phone number previously listed. Or for a larger selection of housing counseling options, see the Department of Housing and Urban Development or call 800-569-4287.

Another helpful resource you should know about, and one your counselor can help you explore, is the Making Home Affordable program. Created by the Obama Administration in 2009, this program offers struggling homeowners the opportunity to modify or refinance their mortgage to make their monthly payments more affordable.

It also includes the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program for those who are interested in a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. To learn more about these programs and their eligibility requirements see or call the Homeownership Preservation Foundation’s HOPE Hotline at 888-995-4673.

Financial Assistance
You also need to make sure you’re not missing out on any financial assistance programs. The National Council on Aging’s website ( contains a database of more than 2,000 federal, state and local programs that can help seniors with prescription drug costs, health care, food, utilities, and other basic needs. The site will help you locate programs that you may be eligible for and will show you how to apply.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.


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Jim T. Miller: Debt Counseling Programs Can Help Seniors with Financial Problems

Carrie Smith: 3 Lessons I Learned After Being Debt-Free for One Year

During my debt-free journey I learned a lot — about myself, handling my finances and seeing a goal through to the end. But I think the biggest thing I learned was how strange life would be after debt.

My experience this past year has been similar to my experience of paying down debt, in that it takes a lot of discipline, and out-of-the-box type of thinking.

Being in debt is a normalcy in this society, so getting — and staying — out of debt is a crazy new thing altogether. You’re definitely going against the grain on this path.

So has it been worth it? What lessons have I learned after being debt-free for one year?

1. Sacrifice is Empowering

After working multiple jobs, starting a freelance business and sludging through a day job that I really disliked, I came out on the other end a winner. The rewards to being debt-free are obvious — more money, inner peace and financial freedom.

And the intangible benefits too! The biggest advantage to sacrificing and completing your goal is that you followed through and can now reap the rewards of your journey.

Now anytime I face a difficult financial problem or life choice, I think back to when I had debt and know that I can accomplish anything that’s thrown my way!

2. Financial Freedom is Boring

Before I paid off all my debt, my decisions consisted of multiple questions and complicated strategies.

- Which bills should I pay first?

- Which one has the highest interest rate?

- Should I take this vacation or use the money towards debt?

The list goes on. But now, my decisions are much simpler. I pay my bills, put money into savings and investing, then use whatever funds are left for entertainment or other financial goals.

Once you’re out of debt, the decision making process is rather boring. There aren’t any complicated financial spreadsheets (like tracking debt snowballs or debt avalanches). There’s just simply living within your means.

It’s an awesome perk in my opinion! But if you’re someone who likes living on the edge, you’ll find that having full control of your finances, may not be quite as exciting as you’d think.

Slow and steady wins the race, and in a world of endless promotions and crazy financial endeavours, the road to financial freedom is simple and boring.

3. Going Into Debt (Again) is EASY

Like I mentioned, life after debt can be daunting. When everything around you is tempting you to spend more, it’s hard to constantly say no.

This is especially true once you have all your debts paid and the creditors are all but knocking down your door with new credit card offers and incentives. It’s ridiculous how easy it is to charge a few purchases on credit and end up in a couple hundred or thousand dollars of debt again.

Even when you have the discipline to get out of debt, you have to remain disciplined to stay out of it. Just because you paid everything off doesn’t mean you don’t still have the urge to spend or buy new things!

This content is property of Careful Cents and originally appeared here.


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Carrie Smith: 3 Lessons I Learned After Being Debt-Free for One Year

Dean Baker: The Return of Larry Summers?

According to accounts in the business press, there is a campaign among Washington insiders to get Larry Summers appointed as Ben Bernanke’s replacement as Federal Reserve Board chair. This could end up being the scariest horror movie of the summer.

It is bizarre that Summers would be seriously considered as the next Fed chair if for no other reason that there is an obvious replacement for Bernanke already sitting at the Fed. Janet Yellen, the vice-chair, has in the past served as the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, a member of the Board of Governors in the 1990s and head of President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers. She also has an impressive academic background, having been a professor at both Berkeley and Harvard.

No woman has ever served as chair of the Fed and Yellen would be an obvious choice to break the barrier. She also has been a consistent advocate of expansionary Fed policy focused on reducing unemployment. In terms of people who could plausibly make the short list for Fed chair, it is difficult to imagine a better choice than Yellen.

But even if President Obama were to decide for some reason not to promote Yellen to Bernanke’s position, it is difficult to see why Summers would be the alternative. Memories tend to be short in Washington, but those of us removed from elite circles know that Summers’ policies played a central role in setting up the economy for the crash that got us where we are today.

Summers was a key actor in the Clinton economic team that pushed for bigger and less regulated banks. He was there for the repeal of Glass-Steagall. He was also among those hectoring Brooksley Born, when the then head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission argued that it would be a good idea to regulate derivatives. And he famously ridiculed as Luddites those warning of the risks of financial deregulation at the Fed’s Greenspanfest in 2005.

Even more important than his role in pushing financial deregulation is the fact that Summers played a direct role in promoting the imbalances from which the economy continues to suffer. The trade deficit was relatively modest through President Clinton’s first term in office, averaging just over 1 percent of GDP.

This changed dramatically in 1997 following the East Asian financial crisis. The basic story was fairly simple. The crisis knocked the fast-growing economies of the region off their feet. South Korea, Thailand, and the other economies of the region saw a massive capital flight as creditors rushed to take their money home.

The IMF, acting under the direction of then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, Federal Reserve Board Chair Alan Greenspan, and Rubin’s top assistant Larry Summers, agreed to a bailout, but only with harsh conditions. They required the East Asian countries to pay back their debts in full. In order for this to be possible, the currencies of the region plunged in value against the dollar. This made their goods very cheap and allowed them to hugely increase exports to the United States.

Seeing the harsh terms imposed by the I.M.F. on the East Asian countries, developing countries throughout the world decided that they must protect themselves by accumulating vast amounts of reserves. This meant lowering their currencies against the dollar so that they could run large trade surpluses.

The resulting run-up of the dollar was the cause of the huge trade deficits the United States has seen over the last 15 years. The trade deficit peaked at almost 6 percent of GDP ($960 billion in today’s economy) in 2006, as the over-valued dollar made U.S. goods and services less competitive in the world economy.

The huge trade deficit created a gap in demand that was filled by the stock bubble in the late 1990s and the housing bubble in the last decade. Since the collapse of the housing bubble, much of the demand gap has been filled by the budget deficit. The need to fill the hole in demand created by the trade deficit has been the economy’s central problem over the last 15 years. And this problem has LARRY SUMMERS written all over it.

This fact alone should be sufficient to keep Summers safely removed from anything resembling a position of power well into his next life, but there’s more. Summers has been very close to the financial industry, pocketing millions of dollars in fees for speaking and consulting. Would this affect his willingness to put an end to Wall Street’s too-big-to-fail subsidy as Fed chair?

Even Summers’ successes are failures. The business press often touts his role in the bailout of Mexico following the peso crisis in 1994. Those of us with access to IMF data know that Mexico has had the lowest per capita GDP growth of any major country in Latin America over the last two decades.

There has been more talk of “the new Larry Summers” than the new Dick Nixon. Maybe such an animal exists, but those of us who remember the old Larry Summers would like to keep anyone with that name far away from the levers of power for a very long time.


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Joe Duran: Reviving Financial Education

For better or for worse, money pervades the fabric of American life. Money funds our life-résumés, from our most basic needs to our most extravagant experiences, but it is also the leading contributor to divorce, domestic abuse, stress, and low college persistence rates.

Given the considerable influence of money on the American psyche, one may imagine our society would go to great lengths to promote proven financial education strategies. In fact, we do. Millions of dollars are spent each year on financial education programs to educate our populace on the costs and benefits of sound money management. Unfortunately, to date, financial education has been remarkably unsuccessful.

A 2009 study found that students who have taken financial literacy courses are no more financially literate than those who have not. The effects of poor financial education are as disturbing as they are ubiquitous.

13 percent of U.S. adults use prepaid cards for everyday transactions.

33 percent do not pay their bills on time.

39 percent do not have non-retirement savings.

The Center for Financial Education uncovered more dismal revelations on the state of American personal finance:

132 million adults lack emergency savings.

The average borrower carries almost $11,000 in credit card debt.

More than half of American adults have subprime credit scores.

Needless to say, we are in dire need of financial education reform. This lack of progress hardly justifies the individual, corporate, and government money spent annually on financial education. To ignite true change, the financial education industry needs to expand its focus from mere knowledge acquisition to actual knowledge application. The industry can achieve knowledge application by cultivating organizations that think practically, take risks, and aim high.

Think Practically

Too many financial literacy programs waste time on impractical or outdated financial instruments, such as paper tax forms, bank reconciliations, and handmade budgets. But research suggests Americans are unlikely to utilize such tools. 90 percent of Americans rely on professionals or computer software to complete their taxes, only 13 percent of people balance their checking accounts, and less than half create a budget at all. Why waste time teaching concepts our students will never use?

The complex and uninspiring nature of current financial education materials makes retention improbable. Instead of teaching these outdated modes of financial literacy, programs should strive for financial capability, which can best be achieved through relevant, timely, actionable, and ongoing education. Instead of counting the number of terms students memorize and forms they recognize, financial educators should measure student mastery through behavioral change and other tangible, financial outputs.

Take Risks

We must support financial education organizations that are willing to take risks. For inspiration, the financial education industry should look to organizations in education reform. Teach for America places thousands of young teachers in under-resourced schools. Charter networks spark ideological battles on the future of public education. KIPP continues to mainstream Harriett Ball’s mnemonic teaching strategies.

Notwithstanding the criticism that often attaches itself to these organizations, each has brought significant intellectual, monetary, and media attention to one of the biggest issues of our time: the educational achievement gap. Financial education needs similar divergence from the common course in order to incite true change. Donors looking to maximize their contributions should consider funding financial education catalysts, whose relative youth and lean balance sheets can produce transformative energy and higher risk profiles.

Aim High

Realistically, improving financial education is not enough to solve the widespread economic and societal issues facing our country. Promoting new businesses, seeking policy change, and driving investment in organic businesses will go a long way towards revitalizing America’s low-income neighborhoods. We must think outside the box about how to inspire entrepreneurial spirit, communicate policy needs to Washington, and infuse capital into our most impoverished areas. How will we educate a new generation of entrepreneurs? How will we stimulate opt-out retirement, anti-predatory lending, and financial education mandate policy? How will we finance small businesses in our emerging domestic markets?

Operation HOPE, the torchbearer in the Silver Rights Movement, exemplifies the big-picture thought leadership needed in the financial education space. By 2020, the organization aims to empower 5 million young Americans through targeted financial education, train 1 million young entrepreneurs within their “business-in-a-box” program, and establish 1,000 branch banks in low-income communities. Unfortunately, such ambitious industry stalwarts are rare.

The failures of financial education have plagued our society for decades. With Americans facing perishable pensions and waning net worth, financial education will continue to take center stage as one of the primary issues facing our country. Reviving financial education could ease economic hardship for millions of Americans, relieve government budgets, and reestablish the United States’ claim as the premier world leader in economic growth, opportunity, and mobility.

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Reboot Illinois: Flat income tax? Progressive tax? No state income tax? A nationwide overview

The 1970 Illinois constitution states that Illinois’ state income tax must be applied with one rate paid by all taxpayers.

Illinois is one of nine states with flat-rate income tax. There are 34 states that use a graduated income tax system in which the percentage of income tax owed goes up with a taxpayer’s income. Seven states, meanwhile, have no income tax.

In 2011, Illinois raised its income tax from 3 percent to 5 percent in order to combat both a multi-billion-dollar backlog of unpaid bills and to prop up a failing public pension system. But two years later, the backlog of unpaid bills hovers around $8 billion and despite nearly all the new tax money going into the pension system, the state now carries a $100 billion unfunded pension liability. The new tax rate brings in roughly another $7 billion a year, but most of that will disappear on Jan. 1, 2015, when the tax rate is scheduled to fall back to 3.75 percent.

Against this background, a bill has been introduced in the Illinois House to amend the state constitution to allow Illinois to consider adopting a graduated income tax. Proponents say a progressive system will bring in more money for the state while reducing tax bills for middle- and low-income taxpayers. (Here’s one view in favor of a progressive tax system.)

Opponents, though, say all of this is merely a money grab by a government that has run the state into the ground through poor management. They say that ultimately a progressive system would result in the vast majority of taxpayers paying more each year — especially when contrasted with the pre-2011 3 percent rate and even the 3.75 percent flat rate scheduled to become law in 2015. (Find a detailed explanation of this view here.)

So where does Illinois fit in the national state income tax picture? Here’s a look. We’ve also included a table at the bottom of the chart that shows the widely varying range of tax brackets and income levels other states use to define their progressive tax systems. You’ll be hearing a lot about this issue in the months to come, as supporters of a progressive system for Illinois want to see a constitutional amendment placed on the November 2014 ballot.


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Reboot Illinois: Flat income tax? Progressive tax? No state income tax? A nationwide overview

Pete Hegseth: Put Away the Pom-Poms: Tackling Spending, Debt Still Needed

2014 budget demonstrates that we do not need to choose between making critical investments necessary to help grow our economy and support middle class families and continuing to cut the deficit in a balanced way,” she writes.

Well, okay. A smaller deficit is welcome, but we’re nowhere close to a responsible fiscal course, and the president’s ever-expanding spending plans — and desires to hike taxes even more — won’t get us there either.

According to recent estimates from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the U.S. is on track for a steady stream of deficits every year between now and 2023 — which means another decade of fiscal policy that will continue adding to our nearly $17 trillion debt.

The president has had almost five years to make “critical investments necessary to help grow our economy,” and yet we’re still stuck in a jobless “recovery” that stretches the definition of “recovery.” Unemployment remains high — the topline rate of 7.6 percent obscures the fact that millions of Americans have dropped out of the workforce entirely or are underemployed in part-time jobs.

Meanwhile, quarterly growth estimates remain sluggish, with economists recently scaling back their expectations for future growth. These are not the hallmark signs of a vibrant economy, and no amount of cheerleading from the president’s admirers — who have convinced themselves that a surging stock market is the same thing as a healthy economy — will change that fact. It seems, to them, the difference between Wall Street and Main Street only exists in election years.

If the president and his Washington allies truly want to grow the economy, reduce the deficit, and restore proper budget prioritization, how about starting with something they can control — enacting spending and tax reform that will restrain the growth of government, reduce our $17 trillion national debt, and incentive businesses — especially on Main Street — to invest in the future of their workforce and this country.

That was the consensus view at a presentation on the “The Need for Spending Reform” that Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) hosted in Washington on July 11, where a bipartisan group of speakers and panelists emphasized the need for fiscal responsibility.

Not all agreed on the best path toward that goal — but all agreed that Washington can’t afford to be complacent when facing down our historic debt burden. Unfortunately, the news of slightly smaller deficits — coupled with mindless spending cuts under sequestration — appears to be feeding into that very sense of complacency.

Fortunately, there are opportunities on the horizon to restrain spending — and one of the event’s keynote speakers, Senator Marco Rubio, highlighted that fact. Senator Rubio said the following about the forthcoming debt ceiling debate:

“We should refuse to raise the debt limit by one single cent unless we pass and the president agrees to sign a budget that shows us how we’re going to get to balance in at least 10 years. This is not an unreasonable request. They will say that it is. But it is not. They will say ‘oh, you’re going to risk default.’ The $17 trillion debt is the risk of default. The lack of any plan to fix it is the risk of default.”

Senator Rubio is right to tie raising the debt limit to spending reform — as he says, we can’t afford to maintain the status quo. In some fashion, the debt limit debate will be a legitimate leverage point to demand spending reductions at least equal to any debt limit increase. These reductions should be reforms that put federal spending on a sustainable path while putting safety-net programs — like Medicare and Social Security — back on sound fiscal footing.

Early in his first term, President Obama agreed with Senator Rubio — and seemed to understand we couldn’t afford to shirk our fiscal responsibilities. At his much-heralded Fiscal Responsibility Summit in February 2009, the president’s disdain for deficits and debt seemed clear: “Contrary to the prevailing wisdom in Washington these past few years, we cannot simply spend as we please and defer the consequences to the next budget, the next administration or the next generation,” Obama declared.

Wise words — but unfortunately there was no substantive follow-through, and in the intervening years the president has pursued virtually every avenue available for more government spending and found every reason not to implement much needed reforms to bloated bureaucracies.

Is it too much to ask that the president read back over his old speeches and strive to rediscover something of that old Obama, who spoke of deficit spending and debt as if they were dread diseases to be beaten back?

Perhaps then he’d be prepared to take on the challenge of reforming entitlement spending, as he pledged to do in January 2009. Yet four years later, spending for Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid has continued to command a larger share of the federal budget without a serious attempt from this president to make them solvent for future generations. Yet again, the president’s approach has been all talk, lots of demagoguery, and little action.

Over the last decade, across two consecutive presidential administrations, our nation’s leaders have failed to lead on fiscal issues. The resulting mountain of debt is the clearest manifestation of that failure. Now it’s time for our leaders in Washington to make meaningful, credible efforts to return our nation to a sustainable fiscal path.

Pete Hegseth is the CEO of Concerned Veterans for America, and the former executive director of Vets for Freedom. Pete is an infantry officer in the Army National Guard, and has served tours in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay.


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View the Original article

Pete Hegseth: Put Away the Pom-Poms: Tackling Spending, Debt Still Needed

Stop Foreclosure - Help to Avoid Foreclosure

If you’re dealing with the threat of foreclosure, or in a debt-related financial predicament, then this article is for you.

I’m struggling to make my house payment every month, am already in default, or have a foreclosure date. I don’t know what to do and just wish it would go away…

I hear about so many people who stop foreclosure AND get incredibly low rates from a loan modification. I want one too, but I don’t know how to do it and don’t want to blow my chances…

I wish I could prevent foreclosure, but I don’t even care anymore. I want to walk away, but I’m nervous that I could get into even more trouble – like the bank coming after me with a lawsuit for repayment or a big tax bill…

I am drowning in credit card debt and/or I have this huge second mortgage. I’ve heard banks are allowing people to settle for 10 to 30 percent of what they owe or completely forgiving the debt. But I’m afraid to call or have no idea what to say. How can I get rid of this debt once and for all, and not have the bank come after me for repayment?

The sad reality is that people who are experiencing any of the above or similar situations are losing to foreclosure and other creditors while the banks and investors are winning. Even more tragic, this unfair advantage comes at the expense of too many regular people — maybe even you — who just didn’t get the information to properly deal with such confusing, unfamiliar problems.

Unbeknownst to most people … this pain and great loss does NOT have to happen. In many cases, you can stop foreclosure or at least avoid losing more than you have to. You just need…

Stop Foreclosure - Help to Avoid Foreclosure

Lonna Saunders: Eaton CEO Cutler: 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' Our Debt

When Eaton Chairman/CEO Alexander “Sandy” Cutler played football at Yale, winning wasn’t about who was a Republican or Democrat, it was about pulling together as a team.

Meeting in Washington for the Campaign to Fix the Debt’s National Fly-In on July 17th, were members of state chapters at 73 congressional offices.

Sandy Cutler, co-chairs the non-partisan, national Campaign to Fix the Debt for the state of Ohio, along with Akron Mayor Donald Plusquellic (D), and former Ohio Gov. George Voinovich (R). Cutler addressed a City Club of Cleveland Friday forum as a prelude to National Fly-In Day.

“Today, it’s not safe for those in the Senate and House to compromise within their own party. If they do, they can be unelected by their own party. We need something to give them cover. To help educate the American public on how the national debt can be fixed so they can compromise without sacrificing their seats.” That cover according to Cutler, is the bipartisan Campaign to Fix the Debt at Its motto: “Inaction is not an option.” They hope the Obama admininstration will provide some cover, too.

A Milwaukee native, who nows calls Cleveland home, Sandy Cutler urged the luncheon crowd to get educated through the nonpartisan Campaign to Fix the Debt website, and then armed with this newfound knowledge, to weigh in with their representatives in Washington. To become knowledgeable about the specifics so they can challenge their legislators.

“Don’t ever believe your voice doesn’t count if you are articulate and well-educated on the subject. When those in Congress don’t hear from you, they fall prey to the small extremes on both ends of the equation who are pulling them in different directions.” He encouraged those present to become informed citizens and to express themselves to their legislators who will respond. To fill up their email inboxes. Telephone them.

“Nothing can be more fundamental to being an American than fixing the debt. We must get all policymakers to recognize this is a serious problem that can not be put off. We can’t keep postponing it.”

“We need a plan that hits both revenues and expenses. Both have to be in the game. It must be enacted now. We are in a very fragile economic recovery. We need job growth. We need good jobs. Growth is critical. But growth is not enough by itself. We won’t grow ourselves out of this.”

Besides Cutler, other members of the Steering Committee of the CEO Fiscal Leadership Council of the Campaign to Fix the Debt include Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and PricewaterhouseCoopers Chair Robert Moritz. Just a few names on a long list.

This non-partisan group has been working on getting others to join them and get this done. Co-founders of the group are former Clinton White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles, and former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-WY). Anyone can join. There are some 345,000 members and growing.

“If we start now, and the time is now,” maintains Cutler, “We can get it done in 10 years. But everyone has to be willing to give a little. We are working at finding the mechanisms to do this on a gradual basis. It can’t be all done in a year. Done over a ten year time period allows us to get the debt down to acceptable levels in 2023.” Start by everyone getting to the middle of the table and being willing to compromise, says Cutler. Instead of proceeding from the extreme ends.

“Scare tactics by both political parties are non-constructive,” cautions Cutler. Such as talk of jumping off a fiscal cliff. Think instead, Cutler offers, of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and their jump off a cliff memorialized by actors Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the 1969 film. Pointing out the pair survived their jump, Cutler talks of a jump into opportunity.

He emphasizes the Campaign to Fix the Debt, has no set agenda. No ironclad plan. They are willing to listen and incorporate ideas from all comers, regardless of background or political affiliation.

Eaton’s CEO urged, “Stand up and take it head on and solve the problem. Otherwise, we become the first generation of Americans to let our children live in a country that doesn’t have the prospects we did. That is unconscionable.”

He closed with these words: “The time to act is now. The person who can act is you. The power comes from all of us.”

Reminding us of pioneering Cleveland talk radio powerhouse, WERE-AM Radio in the ’70s, “WERE the talk of Cleveland.” “People Power, People Power.” WERE’s slogan.

Changing the world for the better. Our generation promised we would.

Lonna Saunders may be reached at lonna2

View the Original article

Lonna Saunders: Eaton CEO Cutler: 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' Our Debt

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If you are an American citizen, you may be eligible to receive ten’s of thousands of dollars in Federal, State, and Private Foundation Grants. These grants do not require any collateral, credit checks, and best of all you Never Need To Repay Them.

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“As a single mother it was really hard for me to make ends meat. I knew I needed to get…

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Friday, August 2, 2013

How To Fix Your Credit - My Credit Repair University Official Site

If you’re looking for a solution to overcome damaged credit, remove bad credit tradelines, correct mistakes on your credit reports and improve your credit scores in the shortest amount of time possible, I promise you that you will find nothing more effective than this!

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To earn a higher credit score, keep revolving account balances low. Lowering your balances is one way to get a better credit score. When balances reach anywhere from 20-100% of your available credit balances (in 20% intervals), the FICO system will make a note.

Contact your creditors directly to work out alternate payment plans if you are having difficulty making your monthly payments. If you make the first move and hash out a payment plan sometimes they won’t even report it to credit agencies. As an additional benefit, this can lessen the financial strain on you so that you may focus on the accounts that do not have repayment plans available.

If you are on the road to trying to improve your credit, make sure you don’t let too many companies view your credit score too often. The bureaus make a note every time your credit is checked.

If you have a card that carries a balance of over 50% of the limit, you should pay it down to below 50%. Your credit score can be negatively impacted if you are carrying a large balance compared to the available credit you have. While you are paying off these cards, reduce the balance…

How To Fix Your Credit - My Credit Repair University Official Site

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Within a few short months – my credit was completely destroyed… it went all the way down to… Read more…

37 Days to Clean Credit

37 Days to Clean Credit

Just 37 days from today – my proven system – could boost your credit score by 39… 68… even 135 points – GUARANTEED!

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"Chris, man I was skeptical… But a couple bucks one time vs. a certain Credit Repair Law Firm 40 bucks a month.

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Like millions of hard-working Americans… struggling to get by, I was getting denied for credit everywhere I turned.

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Within a few short months – my credit was completely destroyed… it went all the way down to…

37 Days to Clean Credit

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Canadian Government Grants - Grant Application, Apply For A Grant, Canada Grant Money

If you are an Canadian citizen, you may be eligible to receive ten’s of thousands of dollars in Federal, Provincial, and Private Foundation Grants. These grants do not require any collateral, credit checks, and best of all you Never Need To Repay Them.

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“After weeks of heavy rainfall in Louisiana, our roof began to leak. It was going to cost us $10,000 to fix it and we just couldn’t afford it. Luckily a friend recommended this website and we were able to receive a grant to cover the costs of the repair"

“As a single mother it was really hard for me to make ends meat. I knew I needed to get an better education to land a high paying job. I came across this site and applied for an education grant. Within 6 weeks…

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"When people really find out what is going… Read more…

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What Lies In Your Debt?®

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"When people really find out what is going…

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blue Tri-Fold Hard Shell Case with Built-in magnet for sleep/wake Functionfor Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Tablet + Envydeal Velcro Cable Tie

What better way to protect your brand new device than this form fit shell case that turns into stand. All orders for this Kindle Fire HD 8.9" case are shipped with one EnvyDeal Velcro Cable Tie, a neat way to secure your guitar, mic and power cords. This fabric strip features velcro style closure to hold your coiled cables in place.

Blue Tri-Fold Hard Shell Case with Built-in magnet for sleep/wake Functionfor Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Tablet + Envydeal Velcro Cable Tie

Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Standing Leather Case, Onyx Black (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 8.9")

Our genuine leather case was engineered to be the lightest and thinnest protective case for your Kindle Fire HD 8.9”. The premium textured leather and an innovative form-fitted interior secure your Kindle Fire HD 8.9” without any hinges or straps. The case automatically puts your Kindle Fire HD 8.9” to sleep when it is closed and wakes your device upon opening making it so easy to jump back into your magazines, music, apps, and movies.

Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Standing Leather Case, Onyx Black (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 8.9")

TheHonestBill PU Leather Cover Case Bundle for Kindle Fire HD 7 Inch in Retail Packaging (NOT Compatible With Kindle Fire) (Dark Blue)

CONTENTS OF THEHONESTBILL RETAIL PACKAGING:1 x PU leather case with stand function and magnetic closure for Kindle Fire HD 7-inch

2 x Medium 4.5" universal stylus pen (Purple and Pink)

1 x Clear screen protector

1 x Anti-Glare screen protector (Frosted)

**Note: If you have never put on a screen protector before, we advice you ask for help with this from somebody with experience. No matter the quality of the screen protector, they are hard to get on right without bubbles.

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THEHONESTBILL – Selected Accessories:If you for any reason are not happy with any product by TheHonestBill, please do not hesitate to contact us and will do our best to solve your problem asap! Our email address is At TheHonestBill we take full ownership and responsibility for the quality of our products.

References to other companies and their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and are for reference purposes only. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

device NOT Included

TheHonestBill PU Leather Cover Case Bundle for Kindle Fire HD 7 Inch in Retail Packaging (NOT Compatible With Kindle Fire) (Dark Blue)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Verso Prologue Case Cover for Kindle Fire, Red (does not fit Kindle Fire HD)

Product Description

Verso Prologue Red Cover for Kindle Fire and Kindle Keyboard By LightWedge

It’s rare for a book to become a classic overnight. Just ask Henry David Thoreau. He only managed to publish two books during his lifetime, both of which were regarded as strange and weird. He even paid for the printing of one out of his own pocket, a 1,000-volume run of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Fewer than 300 sold before his death.

Not until the 1920s did Thoreau earn his due, and today, it’s difficult to find a high school graduate that wasn’t required pick up his ode to natural living, Walden.

Like the literary palate of the reading public, the Verso Prologue e-reader might also require a short breaking-in period. But that’s because it’s hand constructed of super-durable, high-quality materials. Namely, animal-friendly “leather” on the outside. Don’t worry; you won’t miss the cow. You will quite pleased with the classy look, supple feel, and impressive durability of the Prologue. A hand distressed finish, carefully embossed embellishments, and antique foil stampings add sophistication.

On the inside, advanced microfiber engineered for maximum softness cradles your device when closed while patent-pending silicone-enhanced corner elastic straps hold it in place—a grip guaranteed for the lifetime of your device.

Fits your lifestyle Patented strap system Slim and lightweight Detail of texture Easily folds back

The Prologue Red Cover is part of the Verso Prologue Collection

Wrap a throwback cover design around the latest in tech innovation? Cool. Like handcrafted bindings of old, Prologue covers feature details that tell a story: hand-distressed finishes, carefully embossed embellishments, and intricate foil stamping. Each Prologue cover is constructed by hand so each is a bit different. What's old is new again. The past is prologue.

About LightWedge

Starting with the LightWedge Original booklight in 2002, Boston-based LightWedge has kept its focus on the development of innovative and style-driven reading accessories. With its Verso line of e-reader and tablet accessories, LightWedge brings more than a decade of accessories experience to a whole new stage.

Other Verso Collections Artist Series Collection E-Reader Covers Prologue Collection E-Reader Covers New York Times Collection E-Reader Covers E-Reader Lights

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Prologue Tan

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Squinting. Overhead lights on airplanes. Bad hotel-room lighting. Grumbly spouses who don't understand why we won't just close the book, shut off the light, and go to sleep. And, yes, aging. These are all major life challenges that our Verso line of e-reader lights can help with, and we offer three unique versions to choose from.

All models fit the Kindle Touch, Kindle and Kindle Keyboard.

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Verso Prologue Case Cover for Kindle Fire, Red (does not fit Kindle Fire HD)

Belkin Genuine Leather Standing Case for Kindle Fire HD 7", Gravel (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 7")

Simply adjust the stand to your personal preference and sit back to read, watch movies and video, or any of your other favorite content in comfort. When you’re finished, the cover folds closed to protect the screen with a soft inner lining that’s smooth against your device. The slim, lightweight design slips easily into any bag without adding bulk.

Belkin Genuine Leather Standing Case for Kindle Fire HD 7", Gravel (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 7")

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cosmos ® Black/Purple/Blue Color Baseball Bat Pattern Stylus/Styli Touch Screen Pen for iPhone 4 4s 3 3Gs iPod/iPad 2 3 Kindle Fire HD Sony Playstation PSP PS VITA, HTC Flyer EVO View 4G, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy, BlackBerry Playbook AMM0101US + Free Cosmos Cable Tie

This fashionable design stylus/styli is slim and light weighted , easy to carry. 2 in 1 touch screen stylus with ear-jack plug. Soft rubber tip.It can keep your screen free from scratching and fingerprint. Compatible with Apple iPad, iPhone 4G/3G/3GS, iPod, Kindle Fire HD and any other touch screens. Cosmos® is a registered trademark USPTO serial: 85-390,937 protected by US Trademark Law, all products by Cosmos® are exclusively distributed by Galaxy Tech & Leisure.

Cosmos ® Black/Purple/Blue Color Baseball Bat Pattern Stylus/Styli Touch Screen Pen for iPhone 4 4s 3 3Gs iPod/iPad 2 3 Kindle Fire HD Sony Playstation PSP PS VITA, HTC Flyer EVO View 4G, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy, BlackBerry Playbook AMM0101US + Free Cosmos Cable Tie

Monday, July 1, 2013

TFY Kindle Fire HD 7" Car Headrest Mount, Fast-Attach Fast-Release Edition, Beige (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 7")

This Car Headrest Mount is custom made for the 7-Inch version of the Kindle Fire HD.

Instant Back Seat Entertainment

Perfect companion for long car journeys.

Protect your Kindle Fire HD

Kindle Fire HD is mounted higher than other car mounts so it is safe from kicking feet and curious hands.

Smart Looks and Durable

The attractive black enclosure looks great in any vehicle, resists wear and cleans up easily.

Convenient Access to Kindle Fire HD

Kindle Fire HD attaches and removes from headrest mount with very little effort.

Securely Mounts to Headrest

Your Kindle Fire HD holds tightly against the headrest while seated in the mount enclosure protecting it from excessive shaking and vibration due to bumpy roads.

Hassle-free Vehicle Entry and Exit

With your Kindle Fire HD mounted high and flush with the back of your headrest, you need not worry about backseat passengers accidentally hitting it while getting in and out of your vehicle.

TFY Kindle Fire HD 7" Car Headrest Mount, Fast-Attach Fast-Release Edition, Beige (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 7")

Cherry And Honey Quartz, Pearl and Peridot Silver Plated Pendant

> Cutsie Honey and Cherry Quartz silver plated natural gemstone handmade Pendant Measurments: 1.75" x 1.25" SilverGemHut offers unique handmade 925 sterling silver and silver plated pendants are prized for their beautiful semi-precious gemstones and high quality of craftsmanship. We use genuine and natural gemstones and offer multi shaped and multi colored pendants like heart shaped, butterfly and vintage, art deco, modern and antique style. We use Larimar, Onyx, Pearl, Amethyst, Amber, Garnet, Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Moonstone, Tiger Eye and many more.

Cherry And Honey Quartz, Pearl and Peridot Silver Plated Pendant

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sony VAIO E Series SVE14132PXB 14-Inch Laptop (Black)

Anything but average, Sony's VAIO E Series 14 laptops offer power, portability, and first class features perfect for work and play. Beautifully designed with a distinctive wrap design that is sure to turn heads, the Sony VAIO E Series 14 laptop (model SVE14132PXB) offers a full-size keyboard and large touch pad for a comfortable computing experience. It's powered by the beautiful, fast, and fluid Windows 8 Pro operating system (which includes Remote Desktop connection capabilities and enhanced data protection using BitLocker technology).

The 14-inch VAIO E Series laptop in black, powered by Windows 8 Pro (view larger).

Compact, modern, wrapped exterior (view larger).

Developed by the same people you trust to engineer amazing flat-panel HDTVs, the 14-inch widescreen display includes an LED backlight that helps ensure a bright display with lower power consumption for improved battery life.

With the third-generation Intel Core i3 dual-core processor (the first level of Intel's latest processor family), you'll be able to effortlessly move between applications with smart multitasking delivered by Intel Hyper-Threading Technology for a difference in your performance that you can truly see and feel.

Windows 8 Pro. Beautiful, Fast, Fluid.

Windows 8 Pro has been reimagined to be all about you. Put what matters most right on your Start screen, and get instant access to your people, apps, sites, and more, so you can spend less time searching and more time doing. Windows 8 is smooth, intuitive, and designed to let you do what you want, the way you want.

PlayMemories Home Software

Uniquely smart and easy-to-use, PlayMemories Home software makes organizing, editing and sharing your photos and videos a cinch. Instantly import and sort your content by event or date. Then transform your favorites from ordinary to extraordinary with intuitive adjustments and stunning filters.

You can even create heartwarming slideshows complete with transitions and soundtracks in three simple steps. Finally, share your picks privately with family and friends or on popular social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube. PlayMemories Online service can even securely store your content in the cloud allowing virtually all of your devices to access it anytime, anyplace.

Create Something Worth Sharing

Create music and movies like never before with the Sony Imagination Studio VAIO Edition, which includes four powerful pre-installed applications: Movie Studio Platinum, ACID Music Studio, Sound Forge Audio Studio, and DVD Architect Studio. Create your own movies, record or mix your own music, and burn movies onto disc.

Night Shift

Practical innovation is a cornerstone of Sony's vision, and our keyboards are no exception. The keyboard features precisely engineered keys to create a comfortable and intuitive typing experience. When typing in dim light, an LED backlight creates a pleasant glow, framing the individual keys and illuminating the lettering to make it even easier to find the right keys.

VAIO E Series SVE14132CXB

Spec Highlights 14-inch LED backlit display (native HD 720p)

2.5 GHz Intel Core i3-3120M dual-core processor

500 GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400 RPM)

4 GB installed RAM

Intel HD Graphics 4000

CD/DVD player/burner

Wireless-N Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.0

HDMI output

1.3-MP HD web camera

Up to 6 hours of use

Windows 8 Pro (64-bit)

See full specs below

Chiclet-style keyboard with backlighting for use in dim environments (view larger).

Large-sized touch pad (view larger).

Simple Multi-Gesture Touchpad

The multi-gesture touchpad is the most intuitive way to interact with your laptop. Scroll with two fingers, pinch to zoom in and out of images, swipe to flip through pages or photos, and you can even rotate an image, and much more. And rather than clicking on a button, just click on the left or right mouse areas in order to activate those functions.

Listen Up

Built-in stereo speakers feature Clear Phase technology for crisp audio you can hear throughout the room. Whether watching a movie or video chatting with a friend, xLOUD volume-boosting technology ensures big, booming sound without sacrificing an ounce of quality.

Resume instantly with your data secured with Rapid Wake (view larger).

Rapid Wake

With Sony's own Rapid Wake technology, you never have to shut down your computer again. Whether you are done working for the day or just heading out to get some coffee, simply close the lid to put your PC into sleep mode. Then, when you're ready to start again, resume in 2 seconds with your data safe and secure. If you are unplugged, don't worry about draining your battery. Your PC can stay in sleep mode for days.

The Handiest Port Around

Forgot to charge your phone or mp3 player? Just plug your device via USB cord into the USB sleep charge port and start charging. Even if the PC is shut down and not plugged in you can still use it. And don't forget that the USB 3.0 port is perfect for connecting a compatible external hard drive and allowing you to wait less and transfer data up to 10x faster than USB 2.0.

HD Web Camera

The built-in webcam and microphone let's your family and friends see you clearly while chatting. The Exmor sensor helps guarantee a clear, bright picture even in dimly-lit rooms. And with select applications, you can use the webcam and a few simple hand gestures to turn pages, skip songs, adjust the volume and more.

Support for Your PC

There's nothing standard about the standard Sony limited warranty on VAIO computers. To give you the ultimate in speedy and convenient service, we come to you to repair PC issues whenever possible. Not many other PC manufacturers can match our expertise or comprehensive level of in-home support6. And we have extensive on-line support where you can chat with an associate and access drivers, software updates, FAQs, user forums, and more.

PC Tune-ups and Maintenance Made Easy

With the newest version of VAIO Care software you get an easy-to-use tool that lets you tune up, update and troubleshoot your VAIO PC. Just press the ASSIST button to effortlessly install and uninstall new software and drivers, use the visual interface to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, create restore and recovery media, and connect with Sony phone, chat or online support when you need to talk with a Sony expert.

Key Specifications

14-inch LED-backlit display with 1366 x 768 resolution for native HD 720p viewing

2.5 GHz Intel Core i3-3120M dual-core processor (3 MB cache)

500 GB SATA hard drive (5400 RPM)

4 GB of installed DDR3 RAM (1600 MHz; 8 GB maximum)

Intel HD Graphics 4000 integrated graphics solution for everyday computing with support for Microsoft DirectX 11 games

8x multi-format CD/DVD drive

1.3-megapixel web camera powered by Exmor for PC (integrated microphone)

Built-in stereo speakers with xLOUD and Clear Phase Technology

Up to 6.0 hours of battery life at default brightness with standard 5300 mAh battery

Dimensions and Weight: 13.55 x 9.6 x 1.39 inches (WxDxH); 5.3 pounds

Wireless & Networking Wireless-N Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) for ultra-fast connectivity to home and business networks. Bluetooth 4.0 + HS connectivity with wireless stereo music streaming (embedded A2DP profile). Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000)

Connectivity & Expansion 1 ultra-fast USB 3.0 port with charging capabilities and up to 10x the speed of USB 2.0 (and is backward compatible with your USB 2.0 peripherals). 3 standard USB 2.0 ports HDMI port for connecting to a compatible HDTV or home theater receiver for uncompressed digital audio and video via a single cable. VGA video output (analog, RGB) Memory Stick Duo slot Secure Digital (SD) memory card slot (compatible with MMC cards) Microphone and headphone jacks

See larger image.

What's in the Box

Sony VAIO E Series 14-inch laptop (model SVE14132CXB); standard lithium-ion battery (5300 mAh); AC adapter; power cord; operating instructions

Included Software

Microsoft Office trial; Sony Imagination Studio VAIO Edition (Movie Studio Platinum; ACID Music Studio; Sound Forge Audio Studio; and DVD Architect Studio); VAIO Care; PlayMemories Home; Kaspersky Internet Security (30-day trial offer)


1-year limited hardware warranty, and 1-year of toll-free telephone technical assistance (onsite/in-home service and international service availability).

Environmental Specifications Energy Star 5.0 Silver EPEAT for reducing environmental impact. RoHS compliant restricting the use of lead, mercury and certain other hazardous substances.

Sony VAIO E Series SVE14132PXB 14-Inch Laptop (Black)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sony VAIO E15 Series SVE15126CXP 15.5-Inch Laptop (Pink)

Beautifully designed with a distinctive wrap design that is sure to turn heads, the Sony VAIO E Series 15 laptop (model SVE15126CXP) offers a polished aluminum lid and a sparkling diamond cut VAIO logo. The interior is as striking as the exterior, with a full size keyboard featuring 10-key number pad and large touch pad designed for a comfortable computing experience. And it's powered by the beautiful, fast, and fluid Windows 8 operating system.

The 15.5-inch VAIO E Series laptop in pink, powered by Windows 8 (view larger).

Developed by the same people you trust to engineer amazing flat-panel HDTVs, the 15.5-inch widescreen display includes an LED backlight that helps ensure a bright display with lower power consumption for improved battery life.

With the third-generation Intel Core i5 dual-core processor (the second level of Intel's latest processor family), you'll enjoy the thrill of an automatic burst of speed when you need it with Intel Turbo Boost Technology for an automatic burst in your performance that you can truly see and feel.

Windows 8. Beautiful, Fast, Fluid.

Windows 8 has been reimagined to be all about you. Put what matters most right on your Start screen, and get instant access to your people, apps, sites, and more, so you can spend less time searching and more time doing. Windows 8 is smooth, intuitive, and designed to let you do what you want, the way you want.

Compact, modern, wrapped exterior (view larger).

Create Something Worth Sharing

Sony Imagination Studio VAIO Edition includes four powerful Sony applications: Vegas, ACID, Sound Forge, and DVD Architect software so you can create music and movies like never before.

Sony's Media Apps

Experience your content like never before with Sony's Media Apps. Sony brings together its very best state-of-the-art technologies to provide an exceptional experience. You get seamless connectivity across all of your Sony devices to your content. Share and play with it as you choose. Connect to your favorite social networks and discover moments with your friends. Quick and easy access to the Sony Entertainment Network and other online content services, for an endless array of content.

Night Shift

Practical innovation is a cornerstone of Sony's vision, and our keyboards are no exception. The keyboard features a precisely engineered keyboard and integrated 10-key number pad for the ultimate in speed and convenience. When typing in dim light, an LED backlight creates a pleasant glow, framing the individual keys and illuminating the lettering to make it even easier to find the right keys.

VAIO E Series SVE15126CXP

Spec Highlights 15.5-inch LED backlit display (native HD 720p)

2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 dual-core processor

750 GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400 RPM)

6 GB installed RAM

Intel HD Graphics 4000

CD/DVD player/burner

Wireless-N Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.0

HDMI output

1.3-MP HD web camera

Up to 2.75 hours of use

Windows 8 (64-bit)

See full specs below

Chiclet-style keyboard with backlighting for use in dim environments (view larger).

Large-sized touch pad (view larger).

Simple Multi-Gesture Touchpad

The multi-gesture touchpad is the most intuitive way to interact with your laptop. Scroll with two fingers, pinch to zoom in and out of images, swipe to flip through pages or photos, and you can even rotate an image, and much more. And rather than clicking on a button, just click on the left or right mouse areas in order to activate those functions.

Listen Up

Integrated stereo speakers utilize the Clear Phase and xLOUD technologies, which delivers a richer, bolder and louder presence. xLOUD technology enhances speaker volume without sacrificing quality.

Resume instantly with your data secured with Rapid Wake (view larger).

Rapid Wake

With Sony's own Rapid Wake technology, you never have to shut down your computer again. Whether you are done working for the day or just heading out to get some coffee, simply close the lid to put your PC into sleep mode. Then, when you're ready to start again, resume in 2 seconds with your data safe and secure. If you are unplugged, don't worry about draining your battery. Your PC can stay in sleep mode for days.

The Handiest Port Around

Forgot to charge your phone or mp3 player? Just plug your device via USB cord into the USB sleep charge port and start charging. Even if the PC is shut down and not plugged in you can still use it. And don't forget that the USB 3.0 port is perfect for connecting a compatible external hard drive and allowing you to wait less and transfer data up to 10x faster than USB 2.0.

HD Web Camera

The built-in webcam and microphone let's your family and friends see you clearly while chatting. The Exmor sensor helps guarantee a clear, bright picture even in dimly-lit rooms. And with select applications, you can use the webcam and a few simple hand gestures to turn pages, skip songs, adjust the volume and more.

Support for Your PC

There's nothing standard about the standard Sony limited warranty on VAIO computers. To give you the ultimate in speedy and convenient service, we come to you to repair PC issues whenever possible. Not many other PC manufacturers can match our expertise or comprehensive level of in-home support6. And we have extensive on-line support where you can chat with an associate and access drivers, software updates, FAQs, user forums, and more.

PC Tune-ups and Maintenance Made Easy

With the newest version of VAIO Care software you get an easy-to-use tool that lets you tune up, update and troubleshoot your VAIO PC. Just press the ASSIST button to effortlessly install and uninstall new software and drivers, use the visual interface to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, create restore and recovery media, and connect with Sony phone, chat or online support when you need to talk with a Sony expert.

Key Specifications

15.5-inch LED-backlit display with 1366 x 768 resolution for native HD 720p viewing

2.5 GHz Intel Core i5-3210M dual-core processor (3.1 GHz with Turbo Boost Technology; 3 MB L3 cache)

750 GB SATA hard drive (5400 RPM)

6 GB of installed DDR3 RAM (1600 MHz; 8 GB maximum)

Intel HD Graphics 4000 integrated graphics solution for everyday computing with support for Microsoft DirectX 11 games

8x multi-format CD/DVD drive

1.3-megapixel web camera powered by Exmor for PC (integrated microphone)

Built-in stereo speakers with xLOUD and Clear Phase Technology

Up to 2.75 hours of battery life at default brightness with standard 4000 mAh battery

Dimensions and Weight: 14.65 x 9.99 x 1.32 inches (WxDxH); 5.97 pounds

Wireless & Networking Wireless-N Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) for ultra-fast connectivity to home and business networks. Bluetooth 4.0 + HS connectivity with wireless stereo music streaming (embedded A2DP profile). Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000)

Connectivity & Expansion 1 ultra-fast USB 3.0 port with charging capabilities and up to 10x the speed of USB 2.0 (and is backward compatible with your USB 2.0 peripherals). 3 standard USB 2.0 ports HDMI port for connecting to a compatible HDTV or home theater receiver for uncompressed digital audio and video via a single cable. VGA video output (analog, RGB) Memory Stick Duo slot Secure Digital memory card slot (compatible with MMC cards) Microphone and headphone jacks

See larger image (silver version shown).

What's in the Box

Sony VAIO E Series 15.5-inch laptop (model SVE15126CXP); standard lithium-ion battery (4000 mAh); AC adapter; power cord; operating instructions

Included Software

Microsoft Office trial; Sony Imagination Studio VAIO Edition (Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum; ACID Music Studio; Sound Forge Audio Studio); VAIO Care; PlayMemories Home; Kaspersky Internet Security (30-day trial offer)


1-year limited hardware warranty, and 1-year of toll-free telephone technical assistance (onsite/in-home service and international service availability).

Environmental Specifications Energy Star 5.0 Silver EPEAT for reducing environmental impact. RoHS compliant restricting the use of lead, mercury and certain other hazardous substances.

Sony VAIO E15 Series SVE15126CXP 15.5-Inch Laptop (Pink)