Garmin Nuvi 1450

Garmin Nuvi 1450

Monday, June 3, 2013

Welcome To!

You know that feeling of satisfaction you get when you’ve finished a game?  It’s like, great job, spray the champagne, slaps on the back all round … but then five minutes later you’re up for another game.

"No Actors, No Script, No Rehearsal, Just Life" – Source Unknown Its a common complaint, an annoying situation, even a mans worst nightmare.

Every average Joe out there is dying to know how to keep himself from being overcome with self-doubt, anxiety, and the overall fear of "theapproach". Are you one of those frustrated chumps with their dating life stuck in a rut?

Does it feel like there’s an invisible barrier keeping you from being truly successful with women? Do you want to know once and for all how to become the cool kind of guy that women can’t wait to be with?

"I usually don’t like to go all out when I’m still getting to know someone", says Jim, a good friend of mine.  He believes that acting too sappy and eager at the beginning is a huge turn-off for women.

It’s so easy to forget that as much as we women want to find that perfect guy but at the same time feel hopelessly incompetent at attracting cute men, there are just as many guys out there who feel hopelessly incompetent at approaching a woman they’re attracted to and asking her out.

That’s why it is so important to make it as easy as possible to make dating and attraction easy. The first step is to be approachable!

Have you ever watched a playground of children playing?  It’s a familiar scene: the boys are running around, shrieking with laughter and shouting, while the girls are sitting quietly in a group discussing the complex social rules of their new game.

There’s so…

Welcome To!

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